Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Mars, Northern Canada, Grand Canyon

Pictures like this have threw some geologists for a loop. They have think they have found the answer of these cliffs formation on, not flowing water, like the Grand Canyon, but by Glaciers, like on Mars. Unfortunately there has been no attempts to explain these formations through normal experimental means. (Picture: McGill)

One group of people have managed to show how these could be made, but there erosion method is not physical, it is electromagnetic in nature. Electricity has performed "machining" and removed material from the surface of the body. They leave remarkably similar scaring and erosion. In Siberia, this is an impact crater, they say.

Why this could matter so much is that many of the stories of old speak of a "world tree" that was connected to the earth above the North Pole. If this is true then we should expect to see signs of such a connection, and indeed, we do.

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