Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Scientific Dogma

"We stand at a time in scientific history that will be embarrassing to look back on from the vantage point of the next century. An entire subgroup of science consisting of a majority of astrophysicists and cosmologists is now -- and has been -- smugly ignoring the fruits of 150 or so years of electrical science. This subgroup feels perfectly confident in postulating the existence of processes and entities that cannot be verified experimentally in earthbound labs. But that doesn't mean those processes can't happen in space, they say. When there are perfectly valid electrical explanations for certain phenomena, it is irresponsible to ignore those explanations and invent new science to avoid using them. People will ask, years from now, How could they have ignored electricity in space when it was staring them in the face?"

"Classic astronomy (and its offshoots: helioseismology, astrophysics, cosmology, etc.) have never made any real predictions that turned out to be true although they are past-masters at inventing dynamos and invisible entities to explain things retroactively. After-the-fact explanations are easy, especially if you can get away with saying, The hidden dynamo did it.... [C]lassical astronomers were wrong about how the auroras are powered, about the temperature of Venus, about the rocky nature of comets, about x-rays coming from comets and other objects, about the existence of natural radio emissions from the planets. And I claim they are wrong about many things they are now saying about the Sun."

"... The standard astrophysical models are far more speculative [than the Electric Sun model]. They are built up of speculation cantilevered onto speculation that is ever farther removed from any empirical basis. And a tremendous amount of doubt is piling up about them. They do not explain (without ad hoc and a posteriori adjustments) many of the observations that are being made as the Electric Sun model does. (The fusion model doesn't even explain why the solar corona exists in the first place, let alone its three million Kelvin temperature inversion.) Each time new data comes in from space probes, astronomers typically announce their surprise and rush back to the drawing board. They then busy themselves modifying (adding complexity to) their models -- reminiscent of Ptolemaic epicycles -- and emerge confidently claiming they knew this all along. In the one case where they deigned to make reference to anything electrical (the release of magnetic energy) they got it wrong and had to discover new properties of magnetic fields that do not exist."
- Donald E. Scott - Electrical Engineer

Black Gold

What new insights can this revolution bring? Some are already coming out of the woodwork as we begin to review the advances of the past with new eyes. Such as, what is the nature of oil and coal and how did they form?

David Noel, a researcher and scientist from Australia was not hindered by others disagreements with the Expanding Earth theory and used the new insights to formulate a thesis as to the why's and how's of Fossil Fuels.

His deductions lend credance back to the Expanding Earth theory only because of how simple the facts lend to themselves.

In the new paradigm, the oceans were created through expansion cracks, water animals did not come first, plants and smaller crustaceans did.

These shallow, fairly warm stagnant water would be inundated with vegitation. They would grow out from the shores and even algae would cover over the shallow seas completely. The oxygen deprived environment would be perfect for the coversion of plant material into coal and oil. And with the associations with brine and salt which would be expected given the circumstances.

"The first is to suggest that what are regarded as 'land' plants formed an important, or even the principal, source of the petroleum material. In other words, these plants grew on floating mats on the sea, just as suggested for the coal deposits. And the remains of plants which are accepted as being of 'land' types are not uncommon in some petroleum deposits.

The second point has more implications; this is the suggestion that the floating mats of material were essentially continuous, forming closed capping layers over the surface of the sea. While these layers may not have been as thick and 'trafficable' as the coal ones, able to support quite tall trees, they still may have been able to effectively seal off the underlying sea from the atmosphere and from normal evaporative processes."

Review Mr Bell's
work yourselves and see the possible understandings that can be gleaned from a fresh look at our world and our universe.