Hundreds of scientific papers, lots of books, essays and stories have been written about the Tunguska meteorite. The Tunguska Event has been featured in documentary and feature films. It has become popular for the writers and journalists to mention it in their works.There is barely an adult in Russia who has not heard about THE EVENT at least once in his or her life. And yet, there does not exist a person in this whole world of ours who could spell it out with certainty and based on solid evidence: "I know what it was!"
- Academician Nickolai V. Vassiliev is the leader of the Tunguska event Community.
Mr Vassiliev, I have your answer. You may require a bit of primer to understand it, but I have it.
Agreeably, the Tunguska event was caused by a bolide entering the earths atmosphere that morning of June 30th, 1908. That I think is understandable, comet or asteroid, it was something. What I think is being forgotten is that we have no direct witnesses to meteoric events on our planet. We see Meteor Crater, Arizona, and we see other evidence of past "impacts" but we do not have any direct witness to these events.
But we do have observational evidence of impacts that have not occurred on our planet. Often that evidence is dismissed or misunderstood because of it's confusing nature. It does things that cosmologists and astrophysicists do not understand, and as such the anomalous data is usually dismissed out of hand. This happens often, and the incidences of missed opportunity for understanding is dismissed with them. I will point out some of them.
Comet Beila broke up years before the Great Chicago Fire. During that it was noted that the comet's two pieces appeared to be connected by a luminous bridge by over 250,000 kms. (Other claims are showing that in later years it was over 2 million kms)
Comet Temple One was impacted by a copper projectile. The resulting explosion was supposed to be minimal, but at a distance of a few miles from the surface, there was an enormous explosion, then the impact.
Comet Shoemaker Levy slammed into the dark side of Jupiter. We still saw the light from earth. It was bright enough to have reflected off the clouds.
Bell Island, Newfoundland had an event in 1978 that looks like a smaller version of a Tunguska. Can these two events be compared?
That's some pretty odd events. In a universe of Gravity and gas laws that simply do not make sense. The comets should have not been connected, the impactor should have went "thud" and Shoemaker Levy should have disappeared into the clouds. What is going on?
What is being missed is the electrical fields and magnetic fields that bodies have. Just common sense and rubbing your hands through your hair on a cold day will show you the charge that can easily be built up.
Bolides hold a charge. They glow, as comets, when their orbits become elogated. The charge that a bolide carries is grounded to the electron voltage based on its distance from the sun. The sun itself, therefore, emanates an electric field that accelerates particles away from itself. This field is what causes the cometary displays we see. The comet's react to this field and as such they arc. Just like the "volcanoes" on Io.
Well, then, we see craters all over moons and planets and with this new knowledge we see that, the events we have seen in regards to comets can shed light on what might have caused these craters.
Tunguska was a bolide. This bolide approached earth and altered the night sky before the event, it's coma was larger than the distance between the earth and the moon but very dispersed. The rock itself, not large at all. It's electric field began to react with the magnetic field of the earth that night, the night before the impact. The rock began to enter the atmosphere and formed a visible coma which of course carried with it enormous charge. This would tear a path northward as it's "feelers" seeked the greatest source of potential difference. Which, without a doubt would be the caldera of an extinct volcano connecting directly to the Plasma Mantle of our planet.
Once this was located the discharge would begin. It would be in the form of an absolutely stupendous thunderbolt shooting down toward the ground from the bolide. The bolide would explode as all the electric potential is drained to the ground. The ground would be torn asunder in rippling waves and there should be flat bottomed craters. Which is indeed what Leonid Kulik said he saw, "10-50 foot holes several yards deep with flat bottoms". In fact it would likely jump to several nearby points aswell, nearer to the ground and so it would seem that there are several "explosions" based on the treefall.
Witness's said they saw a "Enormous Pillar of Fire" "Thunderclaps" and "An object glowing bluish white, too bright for the naked eye to look at". That's a 6 mile long electrical arc travelling toward to the ground as the bolide attempted to bleed off charge.
The patterns on the ground, the strange atmospheric glows, the witness reports and the physical destruction all match.
The herdsmen said it was Ogdy, a local deity who came down. There is obviously similarity to this and to what we think could be a deity. Electric effects have been shown to alter living tissues with their radiation. Here are some effects that can be explained with the electric model of comets, and of Tunguska itself:
+ Disturbances in the earths magnetic field.
+ Local Geomagnetic Storm
+ Reversal of soil Magnetism
+ An EMP
+ Aurora Displays before and after the event.
+ Genetic Mutations in plants and animals
+ Accelerated Growth of Plants
+ Radiation like Burns and deaths of animals.
+ Sphere's have been located of 'cosmic origin' in the area(NEW)
- Academician Nickolai V. Vassiliev is the leader of the Tunguska event Community.
Mr Vassiliev, I have your answer. You may require a bit of primer to understand it, but I have it.
Agreeably, the Tunguska event was caused by a bolide entering the earths atmosphere that morning of June 30th, 1908. That I think is understandable, comet or asteroid, it was something. What I think is being forgotten is that we have no direct witnesses to meteoric events on our planet. We see Meteor Crater, Arizona, and we see other evidence of past "impacts" but we do not have any direct witness to these events.
But we do have observational evidence of impacts that have not occurred on our planet. Often that evidence is dismissed or misunderstood because of it's confusing nature. It does things that cosmologists and astrophysicists do not understand, and as such the anomalous data is usually dismissed out of hand. This happens often, and the incidences of missed opportunity for understanding is dismissed with them. I will point out some of them.
Comet Beila broke up years before the Great Chicago Fire. During that it was noted that the comet's two pieces appeared to be connected by a luminous bridge by over 250,000 kms. (Other claims are showing that in later years it was over 2 million kms)
Comet Temple One was impacted by a copper projectile. The resulting explosion was supposed to be minimal, but at a distance of a few miles from the surface, there was an enormous explosion, then the impact.
Comet Shoemaker Levy slammed into the dark side of Jupiter. We still saw the light from earth. It was bright enough to have reflected off the clouds.
Bell Island, Newfoundland had an event in 1978 that looks like a smaller version of a Tunguska. Can these two events be compared?
That's some pretty odd events. In a universe of Gravity and gas laws that simply do not make sense. The comets should have not been connected, the impactor should have went "thud" and Shoemaker Levy should have disappeared into the clouds. What is going on?
What is being missed is the electrical fields and magnetic fields that bodies have. Just common sense and rubbing your hands through your hair on a cold day will show you the charge that can easily be built up.
Bolides hold a charge. They glow, as comets, when their orbits become elogated. The charge that a bolide carries is grounded to the electron voltage based on its distance from the sun. The sun itself, therefore, emanates an electric field that accelerates particles away from itself. This field is what causes the cometary displays we see. The comet's react to this field and as such they arc. Just like the "volcanoes" on Io.
Well, then, we see craters all over moons and planets and with this new knowledge we see that, the events we have seen in regards to comets can shed light on what might have caused these craters.
Tunguska was a bolide. This bolide approached earth and altered the night sky before the event, it's coma was larger than the distance between the earth and the moon but very dispersed. The rock itself, not large at all. It's electric field began to react with the magnetic field of the earth that night, the night before the impact. The rock began to enter the atmosphere and formed a visible coma which of course carried with it enormous charge. This would tear a path northward as it's "feelers" seeked the greatest source of potential difference. Which, without a doubt would be the caldera of an extinct volcano connecting directly to the Plasma Mantle of our planet.
Once this was located the discharge would begin. It would be in the form of an absolutely stupendous thunderbolt shooting down toward the ground from the bolide. The bolide would explode as all the electric potential is drained to the ground. The ground would be torn asunder in rippling waves and there should be flat bottomed craters. Which is indeed what Leonid Kulik said he saw, "10-50 foot holes several yards deep with flat bottoms". In fact it would likely jump to several nearby points aswell, nearer to the ground and so it would seem that there are several "explosions" based on the treefall.
Witness's said they saw a "Enormous Pillar of Fire" "Thunderclaps" and "An object glowing bluish white, too bright for the naked eye to look at". That's a 6 mile long electrical arc travelling toward to the ground as the bolide attempted to bleed off charge.
The patterns on the ground, the strange atmospheric glows, the witness reports and the physical destruction all match.
The herdsmen said it was Ogdy, a local deity who came down. There is obviously similarity to this and to what we think could be a deity. Electric effects have been shown to alter living tissues with their radiation. Here are some effects that can be explained with the electric model of comets, and of Tunguska itself:
+ Disturbances in the earths magnetic field.
+ Local Geomagnetic Storm
+ Reversal of soil Magnetism
+ An EMP
+ Aurora Displays before and after the event.
+ Genetic Mutations in plants and animals
+ Accelerated Growth of Plants
+ Radiation like Burns and deaths of animals.
+ Sphere's have been located of 'cosmic origin' in the area(NEW)
I hope this is a convincing argument for the Bolide theory. Of course, the Bolide from a new perspective, that of electrical comets and the plasma universe.