Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Water from where?

When exploring the universe and seeing the electrically active "pith balls" in space we find, in comets, a high amount of HO (Hyrogen-Oxygen). HO, is two thirds water, and it is this what conventional astrophysicists use as proof that water makes up comets.

Unfortunately, that may have things backwards aswell.

Throughout my explorations of the electrical universe that I see mostly there is a cause and effect disconnect with regular astronomy and most sciences regarding anything larger than 1000 meters in size. I doubt they have mountain range formation correct.

As it stands, instead of the current model that states HO comes from water within the Asteroid/Comet, maybe this is how water got to our planet. Not through comets, mind you, but through the same electrical process. A large amount of HO could be generated inside a Plasma Double Layer, and take it's time under atmospheric pressure to bond with another volitile hydrogen, floating around in our atmosphere.

This could help explain such things as the 'Deluge', (being that much water could be held "aloft" in the atmosphere) and perhaps even Ocean formations and "Black Smokers" which throw water out from the ocean floor (From the Plasma Mantle).

Perhaps the brand-new field of Plasma Geology will lift the veil of ignorance from our eyes and we will get to understand our planet, finally.