Thursday, July 26, 2007

Our Self Importance

Recently, Scientists are coming to the conclusion that they alone are lucky enough to know the universe. Those that came before us were too primative and we may not be able to see the wonderous universe for what it is, those after us, apparently, will never know.

Obviously the Big Bang Paradigm is in trouble if they can predict its own defunctness.

The authors go on to ponder what this means in terms of the anthropic principle: the idea that we exist in a universe that's got conditions favorable to life largely because anything else would preclude any life arising that could ponder the universe. They suggest that there's another layer of complexity on top of that, namely that we only recognize that there is an anthropic principle because we came along at the right time. Too much earlier, and we wouldn't be able to detect that the universe is in a new inflationary era, which tells us that it's dominated by dark energy. Too much later, and we wouldn't be able to know that there's a universe at all. As the authors put it, "we live in a very special time in the evolution of the universe: the time at which we can observationally verify that we live in a very special time in the evolution of the universe!"

How faith based has cosmology become that no matter what evidence, what science and what questions are brought out against it, Cosmologists only see the same thing, invisible matter and forces where only electromagnetism is required.

The course, is hammered out ahead, unchanging and completely erroneous.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Sword and the Stones

Recently, in China, roadworkers have uncovered giant stone eggs. In Bosnia, such balls we're also recently unearthed. In a previous article we spoke of the comparison of other stone spheres to Geodes and Concretions, especially in their formation.

Only after looking under hills in Bosnia and China, during construction projects, were the spheres uncovered. These giant stones are as large as a small car/large table and weigh much more than could be considered practical to move and use for anything. Not to mention the numerous other sizes, all the way down to golf ball sizes.

It is known that spheres are created in electrical discharges of sufficent amperage. Usually small balls or pellets are formed, but with large amounts of debris in the air, say from a thunderbolt or planetary lightning strike, then there is sufficent debris is cause a z-pinch, suck in enough debris to form a ball of molten rock which cools as it falls from the sky. This brings out more support that the Stone Spheres of Coasta Rica and other spherical anomalies were actually the remnants of large powerful stroke of lightning. Removing the need for extensive "bedding" periods when these rocks are "grown".